The proof to Australia! -- the book to benefit beyondblue -- arrived in time for Brisbane's Supanova, and was well received by all who saw it. It is wonderfully printed, the colours look great, it is a fine looking publication. (Yes, I know I am biased: but this is really true!) Here's the sad part -- the ship carrying the book docks in Brisbane on December 20th. My Customs Agent has told me that due to both Customs requirements and the Christmas holiday period, I should not expect to have the books delivered to Comicoz Headquarters until after the Christmas holiday period. Naturally, this is disappointing; as I really hoped everyone who wanted a copy would have one in their hands before Christmas.... Glad News Now.... The Trundle books have arrived. They are ready to ship. But before I ship them, I will be sharing the excitement of the published result with Cartoonist Neil Matterson. Neil has yet to see a copy of the proof or the finished book, so my meeting with Neil next Thursday morning will be charged with extra excitement! I may even be able to convince Neil to sign a few copies of the Trundle book! So if you'd like a personalised signed copy, better order quickly and let me know. That way I can get it to you before Christmas and you can share in all this excitement.... Click here to order.
Another means of getting your book quicker -- Brisbane readers only! -- I am appearing at the Comic Book Meet-Up at Brisbane Square Library this Friday at 5 p.m. and I shall have (signed) copies of Trundle available for sale. A great Christmas Idea: I will be selling copies there for only $20 each. Click here for more details of the event. NOTE: If you have already ordered the combination Trundle and Australia! pack, please let me know if you would like the Trundle book sent before Santa arrives... I had advertised both would be sent together, but due to the delay in Australia! arriving, I am able to post them separately... Better one gift arrives rather than no gift, if you are sending to loved ones.... |
Comicoz is Nat Karmichael's publishing imprint. Nat is committed to preserving a permanent collection of Australian comic and comic strips. He feels that there is a need to recognise comics' contribution to and depiction of Australian culture.
Nat Karmichael.
In 2024, the Australian Cartoonists Association bestowed Nat the honour of The Jim Russell Award for his "outstanding contribution to Australian cartooning". He is available for public speaking. Since 2011, Nat has self-published over twelve comic-related books and many more comics. He is presently the Membership Secretary of the Australian Cartoonists Association. He is the Lead Judge in the Ledger of Honour Awards for the Comic Arts Awards of Australia (formerly the Ledgers). Nat has now retired and spends most of his time with his long-suffering wife, occasionally seeing their six children and fourteen grandchildren. He still plans to publish more comics and comic-related books, the details of which you should see here on this website in the coming months... Comicoz acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay respects to elders, past, present, and emerging, and extend that respect to all First Nations peoples.
February 2025
Quick LinksAustralian Publications since 1976:
1 x Poster 19 x comics (one a co-production with Cyclone Comics in 1988/9, one a co-production with Cowtown Comics in 2022) 2 x Paperback books 10 x Hardcover books All Australian! |