Oi Oi Oi! Issue Seven
Seventh Issue - described as Autumn 2016 Edition.
After serialising Alisha Jade's serial Seven, I had always promised her the cover to Issue Seven....and she supplied a wonderful wraparound colour cover than even today makes me remember that summer.
16 black and white pages, with 24 in colour. This issue is when I started to feel that I was getting a handle on editing, and I was able to be selective about material to publish. I really like this one, although it didn't sell as well as I thought it would. I thought it would be the break-through and that sales would ensure it would became a viable proposition. At the time, I was also juggling the editorial responsibilities of the Australian Cartoonists' Association's quarterly magazine Inkspot.
I didn't nearly get enough copies of this issue from the printer as I wish I had now, and there are only limited copies available. Of course, it was also the first time I decided to run a superhero story: Magpie.
Black and white story inside was by Frank Candiloro and Alisha Jade's Seven story-line continued. The coloured pages featured Frantz Kantor and Andrez Bergen's Magpie, Jason Towers and Dillon Naylor's Preston Peace and Rene Pfitzner shared his Goblins for the first time.
Design: Ryan McDonald-Smith. Editor: Nat Karmichael. Printer (for the last time, as it turned out): King Wang.
This comic was specifically targeted to an all-ages audience, so no-one should be offended by any of the themes inside. It's simply a good Aussie comic!
Price includes Postage and Packing within Australia.