Welcome to Comicoz....
Comicoz News for First-time Visitors to this Web-site...
Comicoz has now released six issues of a quarterly Australian comic anthology onto Australian newsagents' stands. Issue Seven is due to appear on the newsstands in January 2016. Oi Oi Oi! is the new vehicle for Australian artists and cartoonists to see their works published and widely disseminated. It allows Australians an opportunity to see that many of our talented artists and cartoonists are indeed world-class...
Comicoz is also pleased to announce that it has also secured the reprint rights to some classic older Australian comics-related material. That was the reason I founded this business in the first place, to be honest. And the first strip I ever wanted to reprint?
Yes, the first strip I wanted to publish was John Dixon's Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor: the Australian adventure strip that ran in many newspapers from 1959 to 1986. Comicoz had a long association with Australian artist John Dixon (and now his family), and a special tab has been placed on this Web-site to honour this special Australian comic strip and comic book artist. Long-time Comicoz friends will recall that six complete adventures were published in comic book form between 1988 and 1990. However, the upcoming planned publication promises to be the best yet! Two volumes have already seen print to date. Click on Comic Related News for on-going details on the progress of more volumes to be added to this project! Ideally, the goal would be to eventually see all of his adventures in print...
Another classic Australian Artist's works that Comicoz has secured the rights to: Monty Wedd! Monty's seminal work, Ned Kelly, is now available to purchase. Right now work has commenced on Monty Wedd's Bold Ben Hall. Cartoonist Neil Matterson's Trundle is not well known, appearing in only two Australian newspapers in the late 1980s. Comicoz corrects this oversight with a high-quality hardback volume that collects most of the strips in this nearly-forgotten masterpiece! Click on the Store tab to obtain your copies of these classic Australian comic strips!
Comicoz is also keen on supporting the works of newly-discovered talent, and in 2014 released to the world the very first published book by Australian cartoonist Rob Feldman: Cartoons, Comics and Cows in Cars. If you like manic humour, Rob's your man! In late 2015, a collection of Australian artists and cartoonists supplied some all-new work in a hardback comic volume benefiting the charity beyondblue. Simply called Australia!, this book demonstrates what a wonderful array of comic talent exists in this country. Click on our Store tab to avail yourself of these new works!
Another major publishing coup is securing the rights to the late John Ryan's seminal book Panel by Panel. First published in 1979, Comicoz feel that this work (detailing the History of Australian Comics) is not only in need of re-printing, but also a serious update. This will require much work, as co-operation from many Australian artists involved in the comics field (and numerous other copyright matters!) will be required. This is going to be a longer-term project, so please do not expect to see this in print anytime soon....but some of the preliminary work can be seen on this web-site (see the tabs Panel by Panel, Part One and Part Two).
So, keep checking out this site to see continual updates for progress being made on all of these Historic Projects! AND others STILL TO COME!
Comicoz is also pleased to announce that it has also secured the reprint rights to some classic older Australian comics-related material. That was the reason I founded this business in the first place, to be honest. And the first strip I ever wanted to reprint?
Yes, the first strip I wanted to publish was John Dixon's Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor: the Australian adventure strip that ran in many newspapers from 1959 to 1986. Comicoz had a long association with Australian artist John Dixon (and now his family), and a special tab has been placed on this Web-site to honour this special Australian comic strip and comic book artist. Long-time Comicoz friends will recall that six complete adventures were published in comic book form between 1988 and 1990. However, the upcoming planned publication promises to be the best yet! Two volumes have already seen print to date. Click on Comic Related News for on-going details on the progress of more volumes to be added to this project! Ideally, the goal would be to eventually see all of his adventures in print...
Another classic Australian Artist's works that Comicoz has secured the rights to: Monty Wedd! Monty's seminal work, Ned Kelly, is now available to purchase. Right now work has commenced on Monty Wedd's Bold Ben Hall. Cartoonist Neil Matterson's Trundle is not well known, appearing in only two Australian newspapers in the late 1980s. Comicoz corrects this oversight with a high-quality hardback volume that collects most of the strips in this nearly-forgotten masterpiece! Click on the Store tab to obtain your copies of these classic Australian comic strips!
Comicoz is also keen on supporting the works of newly-discovered talent, and in 2014 released to the world the very first published book by Australian cartoonist Rob Feldman: Cartoons, Comics and Cows in Cars. If you like manic humour, Rob's your man! In late 2015, a collection of Australian artists and cartoonists supplied some all-new work in a hardback comic volume benefiting the charity beyondblue. Simply called Australia!, this book demonstrates what a wonderful array of comic talent exists in this country. Click on our Store tab to avail yourself of these new works!
Another major publishing coup is securing the rights to the late John Ryan's seminal book Panel by Panel. First published in 1979, Comicoz feel that this work (detailing the History of Australian Comics) is not only in need of re-printing, but also a serious update. This will require much work, as co-operation from many Australian artists involved in the comics field (and numerous other copyright matters!) will be required. This is going to be a longer-term project, so please do not expect to see this in print anytime soon....but some of the preliminary work can be seen on this web-site (see the tabs Panel by Panel, Part One and Part Two).
So, keep checking out this site to see continual updates for progress being made on all of these Historic Projects! AND others STILL TO COME!
John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor: the beginnings of Comicoz this century!

John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor is a 200 page illustrated volume featuring five complete daily Air Hawk adventures from the glorious days of the 1970s. This is not only a wonderful example of a world-class adventure strip artist in his prime, the stories selected demonstrate the under-appreciated skills of John Dixon as a comic strip writer. This Australian adventure strip has been too long out of print, and this First Volume has re-aquainted the comics world of this talented Australian's works.
The cover artwork to the First Volume was painted by internationally renown graphic artist Eddie (From Hell and Baccus) Campbell (see right). In keeping with the Comicoz philosophy, this is planned to be the first in an on-going series of volumes featuring John Dixon's Air Hawk works.
Exclusive to this Volume, each adventure is given a brief introduction by Air Hawk creator John Dixon, with each page faithfully being printed from supplied proofs from the original artwork by the artist himself. However John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor is more than a collection of Air Hawk adventures. Included in the book is a short History of Australian Comics by famed Australian Comics Historian, the late John Ryan, to give an idea of the context of the medium when Air Hawk first saw publication in 1959. This rarely-seen article was written in the early 1960s (long before John Ryan's seminal work on the History of Australian Comics Panel by Panel saw publication in 1979).
Also included in this first Volume is a wide-ranging interview with John Dixon from the early 1990s, giving details of his thoughts on the conceptual process in creating the Air Hawk adventure strip and his unique approach to his craft. John Dixon's family and friends have also kindly contributed insights and recollections in their memories of this wonderfully talented Australian adventure strip artist. In a publication of scope and vision that has never been attempted before in Australia, the First Volume of John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor is a celebration of Australia's finest adventure strip practitioner.
The cover artwork to the First Volume was painted by internationally renown graphic artist Eddie (From Hell and Baccus) Campbell (see right). In keeping with the Comicoz philosophy, this is planned to be the first in an on-going series of volumes featuring John Dixon's Air Hawk works.
Exclusive to this Volume, each adventure is given a brief introduction by Air Hawk creator John Dixon, with each page faithfully being printed from supplied proofs from the original artwork by the artist himself. However John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor is more than a collection of Air Hawk adventures. Included in the book is a short History of Australian Comics by famed Australian Comics Historian, the late John Ryan, to give an idea of the context of the medium when Air Hawk first saw publication in 1959. This rarely-seen article was written in the early 1960s (long before John Ryan's seminal work on the History of Australian Comics Panel by Panel saw publication in 1979).
Also included in this first Volume is a wide-ranging interview with John Dixon from the early 1990s, giving details of his thoughts on the conceptual process in creating the Air Hawk adventure strip and his unique approach to his craft. John Dixon's family and friends have also kindly contributed insights and recollections in their memories of this wonderfully talented Australian adventure strip artist. In a publication of scope and vision that has never been attempted before in Australia, the First Volume of John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor is a celebration of Australia's finest adventure strip practitioner.

John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor: Volume One
This First Volume is available now. If your bookseller does not stock copies, please direct them to this site, because it is (sadly) NOT in every Australian bookstore or comic shop. (Well, not yet!) And it is also not on every bookshelf in every Australian home. (Where it should be!) Be the envy of your friends: buy a copy today and then show them your copy. Brag that you were in on this famous Australian publication from the outset! Then direct them to this site, too; because news about a book like this deserves to be SHARED...!
Don't Delay! Please ensure you order your copy today! (You know you want to impress your friends!) Click the little green "Buy Now" button, and you will be directed to our secure payment site. Price includes GST and Worldwide Postage and Packing costs.
Some copies NOW available! A 200-Copy Limited Numbered Edition, personally signed by John Dixon, Eddie Campbell, Michal Dutkiewicz and Nat Karmichael are still available.... For those of you lucky enough to read this, jump to it: John passed away in 2015, so there are not too many books he was involved in that he HAS signed. Grab a copy of this Edition - treasure it and list it in your Will with your other worldly valuables!!
Don't Delay! Please ensure you order your copy today! (You know you want to impress your friends!) Click the little green "Buy Now" button, and you will be directed to our secure payment site. Price includes GST and Worldwide Postage and Packing costs.
Some copies NOW available! A 200-Copy Limited Numbered Edition, personally signed by John Dixon, Eddie Campbell, Michal Dutkiewicz and Nat Karmichael are still available.... For those of you lucky enough to read this, jump to it: John passed away in 2015, so there are not too many books he was involved in that he HAS signed. Grab a copy of this Edition - treasure it and list it in your Will with your other worldly valuables!!
All illustrations and texts used on this web-site are Copyright with All Rights Reserved. All are used with the permission of the Copyright Holders under exclusive licence. For use of any items on this Comicoz web-site, or to contact Comicoz for any other reason, please send an email by clicking here..
John Dixon's Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor (Second Volume).John Dixon's Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor (Volume Two) is now available and exceeded the standards reached with our First Volume (see above). This volume contains 160 pages in length and featuring three complete daily Air Hawk adventures from the glorious days of the 1970s. This Second Volume, like our First, is not only a wonderful example of a world-class adventure strip artist in his prime, the stories selected demonstrate the under-appreciated skills of John Dixon as a comic strip writer. The Air Hawk adventure strip has been too long out of print, and it is hoped that this Second Volume will again re-aquaint the comics world of this talented Australian in very much the way our First Volume has.
For those who 'come in late', the adventure strip Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor is based on the aventures of ex-fighter ace Jim Hawk and his air charter service based in Alice Springs. In addition to operating this enterprise, Jim supplies an Emergency Releif Unit to assist any Royal Flying Doctor Base in need during times of special emergency. Every adventure features writer/artist John Dixon's penchance for detail - not only is it "one of the best-drawn flying strips ever" (Gifford said in The International Book of Comics), with its graphic authenticity.... it's as good as actually being in the Australian Outback! |
Comicoz' Community Giving...Comicoz is proud to support the wonderful work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (the organisation that John Dixon based his Air Hawk adventures on). An article detailing the History of the Service is included in the Second Volume of Comicoz' collected Air Hawk volumes (as detailed above), With every copy of the First Volume of John Dixon, Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor printed, Comicoz donated $1,000 to the Queensland Section of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in our public launch of the book on Friday, July 15th 2011.

John Dixon accepted the first Australian Black and White Artists' Club Award for Best Adventure-Illustrated Strip Artist' in 1985. He won the Award again in 1986 (for AIR HAWK) and in 1992 for his US comic book work. In 2014 he was awarded the Platinum Ledger Award for his "Lifelong Achievement in Australian Comics". This is a photograph of John accepting his first Award, presented by then Prime Minister Mr Bob Hawke (no relation!)
COMICOZ is committed to preserving for future generations a permanent collection of the finest Australian comics and comic strips. Furthermore, Comicoz feel that there is a need to educate the (Australian) public in recognising the value of this medium,
and its contribution to and depiction of our popular culture.
This site is planned as an on-going evolving record of attempts to attain those goals.
It is hoped too, that it can be an opportunity for all people who share similar passions to freely exchange information and views,
with the aim of further advancing the medium.
Please have a look around the Comicoz web-site:
maybe send a message and share your thoughts.
Whatever you do, WELCOME to the wonderful world of COMICOZ.
Nat Karmichael.
and its contribution to and depiction of our popular culture.
This site is planned as an on-going evolving record of attempts to attain those goals.
It is hoped too, that it can be an opportunity for all people who share similar passions to freely exchange information and views,
with the aim of further advancing the medium.
Please have a look around the Comicoz web-site:
maybe send a message and share your thoughts.
Whatever you do, WELCOME to the wonderful world of COMICOZ.
Nat Karmichael.